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How To Setup First Website On Blogger With Advance Seo Settings : Step By Step (Guide)

Set up your website on Blogger effortlessly with our beginner-friendly guide. Step-by-step instructions to get your site live and customized fast!
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Hello everyone, Today’s blog post I’m thrilled to have you here as we dive into the world of blogging together. In this post, I will take you through a comprehensive, step-by-step guide on setting up your own website on Blogger. Whether you’re a complete beginner or someone looking to sharpen your blogging skills, this guide will help you to setting your website with ease.

How to setup a first website on blogger for free?
Free Website Setup On Blogger Guide (Step-By-Step)?

l will cover everything you need to know, including choosing a template, setting up essential features, and optimizing your site for success. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have the confidence and know-how to build a stunning website that stands out in the blogging world. So, if you’re ready to embark on this exciting journey and transform your blogging ideas into reality, follow along with each step. Let’s get started and setup your blogger website ease.

How to setup a first blogger website?

First of all should have a blogger account and a blogger website. If you didn't created your website on blogger then  click here and create a lifetime free website on blogger. In this post, I've guided you step-by-step on how to create a free website on Blogger. By following the outlined steps, you can easily create your own website and start sharing your content with the world. From choosing a template to customizing your site's appearance, this guide has covered everything you need to know to get started.

Create all required policies pages.

First of all, you should create all necessary policy pages, such as Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, Disclaimer, Cookie policy, About us, Contact us and Sitemap page. These pages are crucial for establishing credibility and ensuring compliance with legal requirements. Also these pages help users understand how your site operates and what they can expect in terms of data privacy, terms of use, and liability. So must create all the pages by following steps.

  1. Privacy Policy : A Privacy Policy is a legal document that discloses how you collect, use, share, and protect the personal information of your website visitors. This is crucial for building trust and is required by law in many jurisdictions.
  2. Points you should must add in Privacy Policy page.

    • How the information is collected and Use (e.g., names, forms, email addresses, cookies etc.)
    • Purpose of collecting the information.
    • How the information is stored and protected.
    • Third-party sharing (if applicable)
    • User rights regarding their information.
    • Contact information for privacy concerns.

  3. Terms of Service : Terms of Service, also known as Terms and Conditions, outline the rules and regulations that users must agree to in order to use your website. This document can help protect you from legal disputes.
  4. Points you should must add in Terms of Service | T&C page.

    • Acceptance of terms.
    • User responsibilities.
    • Intellectual property rights.
    • Limitation of liability.
    • Governing law.
    • Termination clause.
    • Contact information.

  5. Disclaimer : A Disclaimer is used to limit your legal liability for the information provided on your website. It clarifies that the content on your site is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as professional advice.
  6. Points you should must add in Disclaimer page.

    • Nature of content (e.g., informational, opinion-based).
    • No warranties or guarantees on the accuracy or completeness of the information.
    • Limitation of liability for the use of the website.
    • External links disclaimer.
    • Contact information.

  7. Cookie Policy : A Cookie Policy informs users about the use of cookies on your website. It explains what cookies are, how you use them, and how users can manage their cookie preferences.
  8. Points you should must add in Cookie Policy page.

    • Definition of cookies.
    • Types of cookies used (e.g., session cookies, persistent cookies).
    • Purpose of cookies (e.g., analytics, advertising).
    • How to manage and disable cookies Contact information.

  9. About Us : About Us page provides visitors with an overview of who you are and what your website is about. This page helps build trust and credibility with your audience by giving them insight into your mission, values, and the people behind the content.
  10. Points you should must add in About Us page.

    • Brief biography or company history.
    • Mission and vision statements.
    • Overview of services or content offered.
    • Contact information.

  1. Contact Us : A Contact Us page is crucial for providing your visitors with a way to reach you. This page helps establish trust and offers a channel for communication, feedback, and inquiries.
  2. Points you should must add in Contact Us page.

    • Contact Form (where visitors can enter their name, email address, subject, and contact you by messaging).
    • Email Address (for more formal or detailed inquiries).
    • Phone Number (If applicable, for quick and direct communication.
    • Social Media Links (If applicable, additional ways for visitors to connect with you.
    • Business Hours (If relevant, to let visitors know when they can expect a response.

Most important optimization and seo settings for blogger?

Optimizing your Blogger settings can significantly improve your blog's performance and user experience. Here are the most important settings to consider under the "Settings" menu to make sure your blog runs smoothly and attracts more readers. First of all you have to go to your blogger dashboard > menu > setting and follow below's steps.

Basic settings of blogger.

Here you will see some settings like above, follow that and change as you wanted.

  1. Title : Basically this is the name of your website, you can change it anytime, but always name this same as your domain name for better understanding and branding and make sure that website name defines your website category for more reach.
  2. Description : This is the website description that defines what your blog is about and what you share on your website. Include some relevant keywords that potential readers might use when searching online. A good description can intrigue visitors and encourage them to explore your content further.
  3. Blog Language : The blog language should match the language of your content. This helps Google understand your website better and improves your chances of reaching a wider audience.
  4. Google Analytics Measurement ID : This is a unique identifier that tracks data from your website or app and sends it to your Google Analytics account. This ID, which includes a Property ID, uniquely identifies your specific Google Analytics property. It follows a format like G-XXXXXXXXXX for Google Analytics 4 properties, with the "G-" prefix indicating it's for Google Analytics 4. The Measurement ID is added to your site's or app's tracking code, allowing the collection of data on user interactions, such as page views, events, and user demographics. You can find your Measurement ID in the Google Analytics interface under Admin > Property > Data Streams. If you don't have google analytics account then create there and get the measurement ID.
  5. Favicon : Favicon is a small, 16x16 pixel icon that appears in a web browser's address bar, tab, and bookmarks. It helps users quickly identify your website. To add a favicon, design a simple icon, save it as .png format, image size should be less than 100kb. Now click on Favicon and upload that image and save. After sometime you can see the favicon in address bar of your browser. This enhances your site’s branding and user experience.


The privacy settings in Blogger control who can see and access your blog. You can choose to make your blog visible to search engines, which helps with search rankings and discoverability, or set it to private to limit access. You can also configure whether search engines can index your blog and whether readers can share your content. Adjusting these settings helps you manage your blog’s visibility and accessibility according to your needs.

  1. Visible to search engines : Make sure you enable this if you want to post your articles publicly and rank your posts on search engines like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft Bing, DuckDuckGo, and Yandex. Disabling this will make your blog private and no one can read your blog without sharing link and permission

Publishing setting.

Publishing settings allow you to control your blog's web address and domain configurations. You can set up a custom domain to make your blog. Here, you can set your blog’s address, add a custom domain, and configure a fallback subdomain. Additionally, enabling domain redirection ensures that all traffic is directed to your preferred domain, providing a seamless user experience and maintaining your site's SEO value.

  1. Blog Address : This is your blog address, also known as the URL, where your blog can be found. It's important to choose a clear and memorable address that reflects your blog's content. Here, you can choose a subdomain on or use a custom domain.You can change your address here anytime you want, A well-chosen blog address can help attract visitors and improve your blog's visibility in search engines so always choose a blog name or address that matches your content.
  2. Custom Domain : Custom domain is a unique web address for your blog, such as, rather than the default A custom domain enhances your blog’s professionalism, makes it easier for readers to remember, and can improve your site's search engine ranking. Custom domain is paid and can be purchased through domain registerar like GoDaddy, Hostinger, SiteGround and Bluehost etc. If you don't have a custom domain, ignore it.
  3. Fallback Subdomain : Fallback subdomain is an alternative address that users are directed to if your custom domain is unavailable. In Blogger, this is usually your address. You can set it from here to ensure visitors can still access your blog if there are issues with your custom domain. Ignore it if you don't have a custom domain.
  4. Redirect Domain : Redirect domain automatically sends visitors from one domain to another. In Blogger, you can set up a redirect to ensure that anyone visiting your old or alternative domain is sent to your primary custom domain. This can be configured from here by adding the Redirect domain option and entering the URL of your custom domain. This helps maintain traffic and preserve SEO value if you change your domain name. If you don't have a custom domain, ignore it.

HTTPS setting.

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a protocol that ensures secure communication over the internet by encrypting data exchanged between your website and its visitors.

  1. HTTPS Availability : HTTPS ensures that your blog is secure by encrypting the data exchanged between your site and its visitors. Enabling HTTPS on Blogger improves security, builds trust with your audience, and can positively impact your search engine rankings.It's indicated by a padlock icon in the browser's address bar. You can only enable it if you have a custom domain. Igonre it if you don't have.
  2. HTTPS Redirect : Enabling HTTPS redirect ensures that all visitors are automatically directed to the secure HTTPS version of your blog, even if they try to access the HTTP version. This provides a consistent and secure browsing experience. This helps protect your users' data and can improve your blog’s search engine ranking. So must enable it.

Permissions setting.

From here you can control who can access and manage your blog. You can assign different roles, such as admins and authors, to collaborate on your blog. Here you can add admins who have full control over the blog, and authors who can write and manage their own posts. You can also manage reader access, making your blog public, private to authors, or private to specific readers. This feature helps you control who can contribute to and view your blog, ensuring proper management and privacy.

  1. Blog admins and authors : From here you can add multiple admins and authors to help manage and contribute to your blog. Admins have full control over the blog, including the ability to edit settings and add or remove other users, while authors can only write and manage their own posts. To add admins and authors click “Invite more authors.” Enter the email addresses of the people you want to add, and assign their roles. This feature allows for collaborative blogging and efficient blog management. Leave it if you don't want contribution or help from anyone.
  2. Pending author invites : Pending author invites are invitations you’ve sent to people to become authors on your Blogger blog, but who have not yet accepted. You can view and manage these invites here. If needed, you can resend the invitation or cancel it. Managing pending invites ensures that you keep track of who has access to contribute to your blog.
  3. Invite more authors : To invite more authors to contribute to your Blogger blog, click here to invite more authors by entering the email addresses of the individuals you want to invite, and they will receive an email invitation to join your blog. Once they accept the invite, they can start writing and managing their posts, making it easy to collaborate and expand your blog's content.
  4. Reader access : Reader access controls who can view your Blogger blog. You can set your blog to be public, private to only blog authors, or private to specific readers. To manage reader access, click here to Choose “Public” to allow anyone to view your blog, “Private” - Only Blog Authors” to restrict access to authors only, or “Private” - Only these readers” to invite specific people by email. This feature lets you control your audience and protect your blog's privacy when needed. Make it Public if you want to make your posts publicly available.
  5. Custom readers : From here you can see the list of readers you invited successfully. This applicable only if you have selected Reader access > Custom readers. So ignore it.
  6. Pending custom reader invites : From here you can see all the pending users who did not accepted invitation. This applicable only if you have selected Reader access > Custom readers. So ignore it.
  7. Invite more readers : From here you can invite more custom readers you want. This applicable only if you have selected Reader access > Custom readers. So ignore it.

Posts setting.

Here you can manage how your blog’s content is displayed and organized. You can set the number of posts shown on the main page, enable or disable comments, and choose whether to moderate comments before they appear. These settings help you control your blog’s content presentation and reader interaction.

  1. Max posts shown on main page : This setting controls the number of posts displayed on your blog’s main page. You can set the maximum number to balance having up-to-date content with keeping the page from becoming too long. Make sure to display the minimum content necessary on your homepage to improve your blog’s appearance and page load times for better user experience.
  2. Archive frequency : The archive frequency setting determines how often posts are grouped into archives on your Blogger blog. You can choose to archive posts by day, week, month, or year. Setting this frequency helps organize your content, making it easier for readers to find older posts and for search engines to index your blog.
  3. Post template (optional) : The post template setting allows you to create a default format for new blog posts. You can include elements like headings, introductory text, or placeholders for images and links. This feature helps maintain consistency in your posts and saves time when creating new content. Leave it as it is.
  4. Image lightbox : The Image Lightbox feature in Blogger allows images in your posts to open in a larger view when clicked. This provides a better viewing experience for readers by displaying images in a pop-up overlay rather than navigating away from the page. So must enable this.
  5. Lazy load images : The Lazy Load Images feature delays the loading of images on your blog until they are visible on the screen. This improves page load times and overall performance, especially for pages with many images. Must enable this for faster response of your website.
  6. WebP image serving : The WebP Image Serving feature allows Blogger to automatically convert and serve images in the WebP format, which offers better compression and faster loading times compared to traditional formats like JPEG and PNG. Make sure you enable this feature. Because this helps improve your blog’s performance and page speed.

Comments setting.

Here you can manage how readers interact with your blog’s posts. You can choose who can comment, moderate comments, and enable comment notifications. You can set options for comment moderation, require word verification to prevent spam, and decide whether to allow anonymous comments or restrict them to registered users. These settings help you control reader engagement and maintain the quality of comments on your blog.

  1. Comment location : The Comment Location setting in Blogger determines where comments appear on your posts. You can choose between anyone from that but before selecting know about it below.
    • Embedded : Comments are displayed directly below the post, allowing readers to see and leave comments without leaving the page.
    • Full page : Comments are displayed on a separate page linked from the post, which may be better for managing long comment threads.
    • Pop-up window : The Pop-up Window option for comments in Blogger displays the comment form in a pop-up window rather than on the same page. This setting keeps the reader on the post while allowing them to leave a comment. Enabling This can improve user experience by keeping the post content visible while engaging with comments.
    • Hide : This option in Blogger’s comments settings allows you to conceal the comment section from view on your blog. This can be useful if you want to disable comments temporarily or prevent new comments on a post. This option does not delete existing comments but makes the comment form and section invisible to readers.
  2. Who can comment? : This setting in Blogger determines who is allowed to leave comments on your blog posts. You can choose from several options.
    • Anyone (including anonymous) : This setting allows anyone, including users who do not have a Google account, to leave comments on your blog posts. It provides the most open commenting option, making it easy for all visitors to engage with your content. Be mindful that this option may attract spam or irrelevant comments. So enable it if it's doesn't matter to you.
    • Users with Google Accounts : This allows comments from Google accounts and other OpenID providers. It provides a moderate level of access control while ensuring that commenters have a Google profile. This helps reduce spam and encourages more genuine interactions.
    • Only members of this blog : This setting restricts comments to people who are added as members or authors of your blog. It ensures that only those with explicit permission to access the blog can leave comments. This option is useful for private or team blogs where you want to limit comment access to a specific group.
  3. Comment moderation : Comment moderation lets you review comments before they appear on your blog. You can set it up to manually approve comments, helping you manage spam and maintain comment quality.
    • Always : This means every comment on your blog must be reviewed and approved before it appears publicly. This option helps you manage spam and ensure that only appropriate comments are visible on your blog.
    • Sometimes : This means that comments are only reviewed before publishing under certain conditions, such as when flagged as spam or if the commenter is new. This option provides a balance between managing spam and allowing comments to appear more quickly.
    • Never : This means that all comments will be published immediately without review. This setting allows comments to appear on your blog as soon as they are submitted, which can encourage more reader interaction but may also lead to spam or inappropriate content.
  4. For posts older than : This setting determines how long comments on older posts are moderated. You can set a time period after which comments on posts are automatically held for review or closed. You can choose the number of days, such as 7, 30, or 90 days, to decide how long comments on older posts should be moderated. This helps manage comment quality on older content.
  5. Email moderation requests to : This setting allows you to specify an email address where notifications for comment moderation requests will be sent. When enabled, you receive an email alerting you about new comments that require approval. This ensures you stay informed about comments needing review. You can add and remove moderators from here. You can add or remove email here only if you have selected Always or Sometimes in Comment Moderation
  6. Reader comment captcha : The Reader Comment Captcha setting adds a verification challenge to the comment form to prevent spam and automated submissions. This setting helps keep spammy or malicious comments from appearing on your blog by requiring users to complete a CAPTCHA before submitting their comments. This is enabled from's end and you can't disable it.
  7. Comment form message : The setting lets you add a custom message to the comment form on your blog posts. This message can provide guidelines for commenters or encourage engagement. Click here to enter your message in the “Comment form message” field. This message will appear above the comment box and helps guide your readers on how to leave comments.

Email setting.

Here you can manage various email notifications and forwarding options to stay updated on your blog’s activity. Btly the way this alls are not useful and you should not do anything here, but if you want to know about these all, here are some key features.

  1. Post using email : This feature allows you to publish blog posts directly via email. This is useful for posting on the go or when you can't access the Blogger interface. To set this up, click here and create a secret email address as you wish. When you send an email to this address, the subject of the email becomes the post title, and the body of the email becomes the post content. This feature provides a convenient way to update your blog from anywhere.
  2. Post notification subscribers : This setting allows you to automatically notify subscribers via email whenever a new post is published on your blog. To add subscribers, click here to enter the email addresses of those you want to notify in the mail posts to field. This ensures that your audience stays updated with your latest content, enhancing reader engagement and keeping your subscribers informed.
  3. Invite people to post notifications : To ensure your subscribers are notified whenever you publish a new post on your blog, you can invite them to receive email notifications. To do this, Click here and enter the email addresses of the people you want to notify in the mail posts to field, separating each address with a comma. When you publish a new post, Blogger will automatically send an email notification to these addresses, keeping your audience up-to-date with your latest content and enhancing reader engagement.
  4. Pending invites for post notifications : Pending invites refer to the email addresses you’ve added to receive notifications about new posts, but which haven’t yet accepted the invitation. These invitations are sent when you enter email addresses in the “Email posts to” field under “Settings” > “Email.” Until the recipients accept the invitation, they won’t receive notifications. You can manage and resend these invites to ensure your subscribers are kept informed of your latest content.
  5. Comment notification subscribers : This feature allows you to notify specific users via email whenever a new comment is posted on your blog. To set it up, click here and enter the email addresses of the people you want to notify. This ensures that the specified users receive alerts for new comments, helping you and your team stay informed and manage reader interactions effectively.
  6. Invite people to comment notifications : For invite people to receive comment notifications on your blog, click here to enter the email addresses of the people you want to notify, separating each with a comma. Save your changes, and these individuals will receive email alerts whenever someone comments on your blog. This keeps your team or readers informed about new comments, allowing for timely responses and better engagement with your audience.
  7. Pending invites for comment notifications : This refer to the email addresses you’ve added to receive notifications about new comments on your blog, but which have not yet accepted the invitation. When you enter email addresses in the Comment notification email field and sends an invitation to those addresses. The recipients need to accept the invitation to start receiving notifications. Until they do, these invites remain pending. You can manage and resend these invitations to ensure that your intended subscribers are aware of and accept the invitations to stay updated with new comments on your blog.

Formatting setting.

This settings allow you to customize how dates, times, and other text elements appear on your blog. Here’s a detailed overview of the key formatting settings you can adjust.

  1. Timezone Setting : The time zone setting in Blogger determines the local time that is displayed for your blog’s posts, comments, and other time-related features. By selecting the appropriate time zone, you ensure that all timestamps reflect the correct local time for your location or audience. To set your time zone, click here and choose your preferred option from the dropdown menu. For example, if you select (GMT+05:30) India Standard Time – Kolkata all times for posts and comments will be shown according to this. This setting is crucial for maintaining accurate and relevant time information on your blog.
  2. Date header format : This setting allows you to choose how the date appears in the headers of your blog posts and on your archive pages. By adjusting this setting, you can select or create a date format that fits the style of your blog and enhances readability. Click here and choose from the available options or enter a custom format. For instance, you might choose to display dates as anuary 1, 2024 for a formal look, 01/01/2024 for a simple format, or 1st January 2024 for a more traditional style. This setting helps you maintain a consistent and appealing date presentation for your readers.
  3. Archive index date format : This setting allows you to specify how dates are displayed on your blog’s archive pages, where older posts are listed. By configuring this setting, you can choose a date format that matches the style of your blog and helps readers navigate through past content. Click here and select from the available options or create a custom format. For example, you might choose to show dates as January 2024 for a monthly view or 01 Jan 2024 for a more detailed view. This setting ensures that the dates on your archive pages are presented in a way that complements your blog’s design and improves the user experience for visitors looking to explore older posts.
  4. Timestamp format : This setting allows you to choose how the date and time are displayed on your blog’s posts and comments. By adjusting this setting, you can select a format that fits your blog’s style and clearly shows when content was published or when comments were made. Click here and pick from available options or create your own custom format. For example, you might choose 01/01/2024 10:00 AM for a detailed view, January 1, 2024 at 10:00 AM for a formal appearance, or 2024-01-01 10:00 for a simple, straightforward look. This setting helps ensure that the date and time on your blog are presented in a way that is both consistent with your design and easy for readers to understand.
  5. Comment timestamp format : From this setting you can control how the date and time appear for comments on your blog. This setting allows you to choose how you want the date and time of comments to be shown, helping you keep the appearance of your blog consistent. Click here and select or create a format that works best for you. For example, you can display comments as 01 Jan 2024 at 10:00 AM for a clear view or January 1, 2024, 10:00 AM for a more formal look. This setting ensures that readers can easily see when comments were made.

Meta Tags setting.

This setting allows you to create a meta description for your blog, which helps improve your search engine optimization (SEO). This description appears in search engine results beneath your blog’s title and can attract visitors to click on your blog.

  1. Enable search description : Enable this and add a good description about your website. This description appears under your blog’s title in search engine results and helps potential visitors understand what your blog is about. A well-crafted search description can attract more viewers and improve your blog’s visibility on search engines.

Errors and redirects setting.

Errors and Redirects are critical settings in Blogger that help manage how your blog handles broken links and URL changes, ensuring a seamless user experience.

  1. Custom 404 : Thi is a personalized error page that appears when visitors try to access a non-existent page on your blog. This often happens when a URL is mistyped or a page is deleted. Instead of showing a generic error message, a custom 404 page allows you to provide a more user-friendly experience. It can include a friendly message, navigation links to your homepage or popular posts, and even a search box to help visitors find the content they need. From here you can enter custom HTML or text for your 404 page. This not only helps retain visitors by guiding them to relevant parts of your blog but also maintains your blog’s branding and reduces frustration for users who encounter an error. So must create a custom 404 page for better user experience.
  2. Custom Redirects : This setting allow you to automatically send visitors from one URL to another, ensuring they can still find the content they’re looking for even if the original URL has changed or been removed. This is crucial for maintaining good user experience and preserving SEO value when you make changes to your blog’s structure. So whenever you'll delete any post or change the url must add a redirect for that, so that user's can reach the original content he/she was looking for.

Crawlers and indexing setting.

Crawlers and indexing are essential concepts in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) that influence how your blog is discovered and ranked by search engines like Google, Bing, and others. Properly managing these settings in Blogger ensures that your content is easily accessible and indexed by search engines, improving your blog's visibility and search ranking. Crawlers, also known as spiders or bots, are automated programs used by search engines to scan and collect information from websites. When a crawler visits your blog, it reads the content, follows links, and gathers data to understand what your blog is about. This information is then used to index your blog’s pages and rank them in search results. Indexing is the process by which search engines store and organize the information collected by crawlers. When your blog’s pages are indexed, they are added to the search engine's database, making them searchable by users. The better your pages are indexed, the more likely they are to appear in relevant search results.

  1. Enable custom robots.txt : This file provides instructions to web crawlers about which parts of your blog should be crawled and indexed by search engines. This helps manage the visibility of your content and can improve your blog’s SEO by preventing search engines from indexing unnecessary or duplicate pages. So use any robot.txt generator and add generated texts here.
  2. Enable custom robots header tags : This setting allows you to control how individual pages and posts on your blog are indexed and displayed by search engines. This can help you in manage your blog’s SEO more effectively, ensuring that the right content is indexed while avoiding duplicate or low-value content.
  3. Home page tags : Click here to enable all & noodp and click on save.
  4. Archive and search page tags : Click here to enable noindex & noodp and click on save.
  5. Post and page tags : Click here to enable all & noodp and click on save.
  6. Google Search Console : Google Search Console is a free tool provided by Google that helps website owners to monitor and improve their site's performance in Google Search results. By adding your website you can see there detailed insights into how Google crawls and indexes your website, also you can see important metrics such as search traffic, indexing status, and potential errors. You can track metrics like clicks, impressions, and click-through rates, view which pages are indexed, submit sitemaps, and identify issues like mobile usability problems or security threats. It also provides tools for requesting re-indexing of content and resolving manual penalties. So you should must add your website in google search console for detailed analysis.


  1. Enable custom ads.txt : By enabling this setting you can add your AdSense code for Monetizing blog.

Manage blog setting.

Managing a blog setting involves various tools to ensure it runs smoothly, grows effectively, and remains secure. Here’s a detailed look at key management features on Blogger, including importing content, backing up your blog, handling media, and more.

  1. Import content : This setting allows you to bring in posts from another blog or platform into your Blogger blog. This is useful when migrating content from different platforms or consolidating multiple blogs. By clicking here you can restore all the Backuped content and publish directly or after customizing as you wish. File should must be in .xml format. This setting is mostly helpful when you're migrating your site.
  2. Back up content : Backing up your blog ensures that you have copies of your content and settings in case of data loss or migration. By clicking here you can take a backup of all of your contents, this file will be saved in .xml format. This setting helps in migrating website or preventing data loss.
  3. Videos from your blog : From here you can manage your video content you’ve uploaded or embedded in your blog posts.
  4. Media from your blog : From here you can manage images, audio files, and other media elements used in your blog posts.
  5. Remove your blog : Removing your blog on Blogger is a straightforward process, but it’s important to understand what it involves and how to do it properly. This action will permanently delete your blog and all of its content from the Blogger platform. Removing your blog will permanently delete all of its content, including posts, pages, and media files. Your site will be offline and visitors will no longer be able to access it. This action is irreversible, so it’s crucial to be certain before proceeding.

Site feed setting.

Site feed is an XML file that provides a summary of your blog's content, including recent posts and updates. Readers can subscribe to the feed using RSS readers, and it can also be used for syndicating content across other platforms and services.

  1. Allow blog feed : By default this will be Full. So leave it as it is.
  2. Post feed redirect URL : Leave it as it is.
  3. Post feed footer : Leave it as it is.
  4. Title and enclosure links : Title in RSS feed refers to the name or headline of each blog post as it appears in the feed. It’s a critical element for readers and feed aggregators to understand the subject of the post. Enclosure Link is a part of the RSS feed that includes additional media files related to your blog post, such as images, audio files, or videos. This link allows media content to be included in the feed and accessed by readers or feed aggregators.


  1. Use Blogger draft : This feature allows you to save the post, pages automatically while writing so that you can't lost that, whatever you will publish that or not. So make sure you enabled this.
  2. Edit Profile : This feature allows you to update personal information associated with your Blogger account such as name, profile photo, websites and other information visible on your Blogger profile page. This section is where you manage the details that represent you on your blog and across Blogger's platform. So must update your profile like a professional.
  3. View profile : From here, you can see how your profile looks to others based on the updates you’ve made previous. Also you can review your profile's appearance to ensure everything looks as you intended. If you noticed anything that could be improved, you can go back and edit that.

All right, everything is done and you are now ready to start writing posts and publishing them worldwide to engage users and attract viewers. Your blog is set to rank well in search engines because you have completed all the advanced SEO settings that Google requires. This means that as soon as you start posting regularly, your blog has a better chance of appearing in search results, attracting even more visitors. Focus on creating interesting and valuable content to keep your readers coming back for more, and watch your audience grow.

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Conclusion : In this post, I've shared everything from A to Z in easy-to-understand language for beginners, so you can customize and set up your first website easily. By following these steps, you’ll be able to create a blog that not only looks great but also functions smoothly. If you have any other question or need any help just comment below I'll reply as soon as possible. Keep experimenting and don’t hesitate to make adjustments as you grow. Happy blogging!

About the Author

Hello friends! Welcome to our blog. I'm Anish from gaya (Bihar). I'm a Blogger at Passion.

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