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How To Serve Images In Next-Gen Formats In Blogger?

Understanding of how to serve images in next-gen formats in Blogger, including step-by-step instructions, common challenges, and their solutions.
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How To Serve Next-gen Format Images In Blogger - Anish Parihar
How To Serve Next-gen Formats Images In Blogger?

How To Serve Images In Next-Gen Formats In Blogger?

Hello everyone. Today will learn to serve images in next gen formats in blogger. If you want to boost your blog’s performance and SEO, you’ve probably come across the advice to serve images in next-gen formats. But what does that actually mean, and how can you implement it in Blogger? This guide will walk you through everything you need to know, from understanding next-gen formats to overcoming common challenges in Blogger. So Let’s dive in.

What Are Next-Gen Image Formats?

Next-gen image formats are modern formats designed to deliver high-quality images while maintaining a smaller file size. They offer better compression without losing clarity, which can significantly speed up your website.

Here are some popular next-gen image formats.

  • WebP: Developed by Google, WebP offers both lossy and lossless compression. It’s one of the most widely supported next-gen formats across browsers.
  • AVIF: AVIF is a newer format offering even better compression than WebP. However, it’s still gaining widespread browser support.

Why Should You Serve Images in Next-Gen Formats?

Here are some best example with benefits of serving images in next-gen formats.

  • Improved Page Speed: Faster load times are crucial. With next-gen formats like WebP, images load quicker, leading to better overall page speed.
  • SEO Benefits: Google favors websites that load quickly, so serving images in efficient formats can boost your rankings.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Nobody likes a slow website. Using next-gen formats keeps your audience engaged by reducing loading times.

Challenges in Serving Next-Gen Images in Blogger.

Serving next-gen images like WebP or AVIF in Blogger can be challenging since the platform doesn't offer reliable native support. Although Blogger introduced this feature recently, it often falls short of expectations. As a result, you may find yourself needing to manually convert images before uploading, which adds extra time and effort to your workflow, making it harder to fully optimize your site's performance.

How to Convert Images to Next-Gen Formats?

Tools like Photoshop, GIMP, and even free software like Paint.NET can export images in WebP format, not everyone has access to these, especially those using mobile devices. Most mobile editing apps lack the feature to save images in WebP or AVIF formats, making it challenging for users to convert their images on the go.

But don't worry, mobile users can also convert their images into next-gen formats like WebP or AVIF using free online tools such as TinyIMG, EZgif, Convertio, CloudConvert, and Squoosh. These platforms offer quick and hassle-free image conversions. Alternatively, you can also use our Image to WebP tool to seamlessly transform your images into these modern formats as same as popular tools.

How to Serve Next-Gen Images in Blogger?

As I said earlier first convert and save your images into webp or avif formats. Then follow the below steps to serve your images into next-gen formats in your blogger posts.

  • Embed in Posts and Pages: Upload your images into your posts, pages or anywhere you want.
  • Serve Into Next-gen: Now your url will be look alike url in before tab now add the -rw in url just after s1600, Now it will be like s1600-rw in url like after tab. There can be anything instead of s1600, because it depends on your image size you select when uploading. So just check the url it will be just after the image id and before the image file name.

Now everything is done and time to check page speed, So copy the page url wherever you've hosted the image and go to PageSpeed Insight and paste your url to and click on analyze button to perform check. After analysis you will see the page is faster than earlier.

Which Is Best To Use As Next-gen Images?

When choosing between WebP and AVIF as next-gen image formats, it ultimately depends on your specific needs and the audience you’re targeting.

WebP: It's developed by Google, is widely supported across most modern browsers, making it a safe choice for ensuring compatibility. It offers a great balance between image quality and file size, making your pages load faster without compromising too much on visual appeal. WebP also supports both lossy and lossless compression, which adds to its versatility. If your priority is broad compatibility and ease of use, WebP is often the better option.

AVIF: This is the newer format on the block, offering even more advanced compression techniques than WebP. This means that AVIF images are typically smaller in size while maintaining or even enhancing image quality. However, its browser support is still catching up, and not all users may experience AVIF images correctly. If your focus is on achieving the best possible compression and quality, and you’re okay with a potentially limited audience due to compatibility issues, AVIF might be worth considering.

For most users, however, WebP remains the more reliable and practical choice at this time. So I will also recommend you to use Webp format images for better user experience.

You should also enable Image light box, Lazy load images and Webp image serving for making your website more faster.

What does Image light box, Lazy load images and Webp image serving setting in blogger?

Here is the detailed overview of all this settings.

Image Light Box: The Image Lightbox feature in Blogger allows images to be viewed in an enlarged, overlay window on the same page when clicked. This keeps users on the same page while offering a closer look at the image, enhancing the visual experience without navigating away from the content.

Lazy Load Images: Lazy Load in Blogger is a technique that delays loading images until they are about to be viewed. This means that images load only when a user scrolls down to them, reducing initial page load times and improving overall site speed, especially on image-heavy pages.

WebP Image Serving: The WebP Image Serving setting in Blogger allows images to be served in the WebP format, which offers smaller file sizes with little to no loss in quality. This leads to faster loading times, better performance, and improved SEO, though it’s important to provide fallback options for browsers that don’t support WebP.

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Conclusion : In this post, I have shared about serving images in next-gen format in blogger. We hope you enjoyed reading our post and found it helpful. If you have any other question or need any help just comment below I will reply as soon as possible.

Why does Google recommend WebP?

Google recommends WebP because it balances quality and file size, leading to faster loading websites and better user experience.

How can I check if my images are served in Next-Gen formats?

You can use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or Lighthouse to see if your images are served in formats like WebP or AVIF.

About the Author

Hello friends! Welcome to our blog. I'm Anish from gaya (Bihar). I'm a Blogger at Passion.

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